1. Install YOTO app
Download the YOTO application on the website or via a QR code.

2. Find the nearest scooter parking
There will be more than 10 parking lots in the area accessible for travel.
3. Unlock the scooter with the app
Select a scooter on the map, scan the QR code on the steering wheel or enter its number below the code.
4. You can go
Raise the footrest, push off and press the right throttle stick.
Pedestrian in charge
Pedestrians always have priority. Give way to them, be polite, do not accelerate on the sidewalks.
Put on the footboard
When you finish or put a lease on pause, don't forget about the bandwagon. It is important.
Age limit
The service is intended for persons over 18 years of age.
Weight no more than 100 kg (including clothes, bags, backpacks, etc.)
Charged phone
Make sure your phone has enough charge for the whole trip and the end of the scooter rental.
1 person on a scooter
You cannot ride 1 scooter by more than 1 person or transfer to another without completing the rental.
Only sober
Do not ride while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is not safe
Permitted skiing areas
Skiing is possible everywhere, except for the gray areas marked on the map. If you left in gray, go back.
Parking Rules
You can complete the rental only in special zones, they are highlighted in the application in blue and with a P sign.
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